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2024-08-04 16:08:00 来源:河南热线




Feng Yuan, with a graduate degree, is a renowned Chinese painter and art educator.     Since August 2008, he has been serving as the Honorary Dean of the School of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University. Feng Yuan's paintings have been selected for the 5th, 7th, 8th, and 9th National Art Exhibitions and have won more than ten awards in various categories. Write nearly one million words of papers, reviews, and textbooks, and publish 15 art collections, picture books, and monographs. Feng Yuan's works have had a significant impact, and many of his paintings have been purchased and collected by art museums and collectors both domestically and internationally. In the history of painting, Feng Yuan's brush and ink language has extracted the beauty of form, the relationship between black and white composition, and variability from the traditional light and elegant brushstrokes and cursive brushstrokes. He has also borrowed aesthetic elements such as form, volume, and structure from Western art, demonstrating a highly personalized artistic purpose and aesthetic pursuit. His open, profound, and majestic artistic taste and characteristics are particularly prominent in the contemporary art world.




Igor Petermann, a renowned contemporary French painter and photographer. He was born in Moscow in 1953 and graduated from the Moscow Academy of Fine Arts. Participated in exhibitions organized by non mainstream art schools in the 1970s and 1980s. He left the Soviet Union in 1981 and began living and creating in France in 1986. His works have been collected by many collectors in France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Canada, the United States, and Russia






Liu Ninghui, artistic name: Bayuweng, born in Chongqing in 1950, a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Lenten name: Lilac Yaju, Fangcao Hall, Master of Songning Pavilion. Honorary Chairman of China International Literature and Artists Association. Director of China International Cultural Exchange Center. Artist of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage. Vice Chairman of Decision-making China Expert Think Tank Union. Director of China National Art People's Painting and Calligraphy Academy. Member of China Vernacular Art Association. Organized into the database of cultural and artistic talents of the Ministry of Culture. National Senior Artist. 2021 commemorating the centenary of the founding of the Party, awarded the honorary title of "People's Artist" for both virtue and art. In December 2020, he was awarded the honorary title of "Artistic Meritorious Figure of the Centennial of the Founding of the Party" by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and in October 2020, Fan Di'an and Fan Zeng wrote the inscription "Patriotic Artist" for Liu Ninghui. "Patriotic Artist". Published by the people's fine arts, "the people's will - art world pioneer" Fan Dian, Liu Ninghui, Shen Peng, Su Shishu works collection. Published by the Central Party School Publishing House "a hundred years of splendor - national gift party case" selected personnel Fan Dian, Zhang Hai, Sun Xiaoyun, Feng Yuan, Liu Ninghui. 2024 February, was appointed by the Chinese Hanlin Painting and Calligraphy Academy as a professor, life academician.

Chairman Fan Dian commented:

This selection of Chinese art inheritors saw Liu Ninghui art works, Liu Ninghui's works have distinctive features, in his creation of art works are very contemporary. He can be in the composition, color, that is, traditional and innovative. Transportation of traditional Chinese painting and Western painting color mastery, so that his works of color range is wider, more daring composition, full of vitality, successfully out of a fusion of Chinese and Western road. Breaking the conventionality of previous paintings, this is the painter's boldness and excellence. Painting non-eye master skill is difficult to get a wonderful product, Liu Ninghui's starting point is high, solid foundation, broad thinking. In addition to ten years as one day in the painting career, the painstaking pursuit of the true meaning of art, boldly involved in a variety of painting subjects, he achieved today's achievements is really gratifying, the Chinese Artists Association is hereby given to a set of four treasures in order to express gratitude to Mr. Liu Ninghui for this many years to inherit the traditional culture of China to make contributions!



邵同福,中国湿地冰雪画创史人,国家一级美术师。主要成就:创立中国湿地冰雪画。填补了中国画的一项历史空白! 中华人民共和国文化和旅游部的核心期刊《艺术市场》和《中国书画报》等权威刊物,均以"创史开今一一邵同福中国湿地冰雪画开山作品鉴赏"为题重点推介!并被百家网媒转发。文旅部的《艺术市场》载文说:″湿地冰雪花鸟画的创立,为中国画开辟了新的创作领域,必将成为中国人文投射的又一艺术空间!"

Shao Tongfu, the founder of China Wetland Ice and Snow Painting, is a national-level artist. Main Achievements:Created the Chinese Wetland Ice and Snow Painting. Filled a historical gap in Chinese painting! People's Republic of China Ministry of Culture and Tourism's core periodical "Art Market" and "China Painting and Calligraphy Newspaper" and other authoritative publications, are to "create history and open up the present one Shao Tongfu Chinese wetland ice and snow paintings to start the mountain works to appreciate" as the title of the key recommendations! And was forwarded by hundreds of online media. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism's "Art Market" said in an article: ″The creation of wetland ice and snow painting of birds and flowers opens up a new field of creation for Chinese painting, and will surely become another art space for Chinese humanities projection!







2021年6月,获得新时代 艺术领军人物称号。













2022年4月推荐参加喜迎二十大《不忘初心 跟党走》专题报道。




Liu Chengfu, born on October 1, 1971, is a native of Pizhou, Jiangsu Province. He has been practicing calligraphy since he was a child, and is a diligent writer. He is now a national-level calligrapher, a Chinese meritorious artist, and a national gift artist. He is the academician of China Enterprise Alliance Calligraphy and Painting Academy, calligraphy and painting trainer, professor of Chinese Calligraphy Department of Calligraphy and Painting Art Institute of Chinese Pillar Society, calligraphy and painting creation researcher, China's most valuable strength of investment value of the artist, Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Friendship Association of the new literary group of calligraphers and painters, deputy director of the Working Committee of the Calligraphers and Calligraphers, special calligraphy, China Township Association of the Confucian and Mencius Cultural Research Institute, vice president of the Chengkong College, China Association for the Study of Ethnic Architecture, Deputy Secretary General of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, Huaxia National Art Calligraphy and Painting Professional Committee. Secretary General of the Chinese National Architecture Research Association, Deputy Secretary General of the Huaxia National Art Calligraphy and Painting Art Center, and a specially-appointed calligrapher. He is also the first deputy secretary-general of the International Exchange Committee of China Association of Trade in Services.

When I was a child, I used to fold branches and draw sand in the fields of the village, dyeing my fingers and painting the walls, describing the nature, and in the middle school age, I was deeply instructed by my elder brother, Liu Shaoqing (a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, and the director of the Pizhou Calligraphers Association), and made progress day by day, and I started from Cao Quan, and then I learned from Liou, Yan, Ou, Zhao, Su, Mi, and the "two kings", and then I learned from Zhang Xu, and Huaisu, and then I learned to read the book for more than thirty years, and then I learned from the Pizhou Calligraphy Association, and the Chinese National Architecture Association, and the Chinese National Architecture Association, and the China National Architecture Association and the Chinese National Architecture Association and the Chinese National Architecture Association. He has been learning calligraphy for more than thirty years, and has been practicing continuously. His works have won many awards in calligraphy competitions.

In 2015, he was awarded the certificate of honor of cultural person of the town by the People's Government of Dianshanhu Town.

In 2019, he was appointed as an instructor by the Senior University of Dianshanhu Town (calligraphy class).

In June, 2021, he was awarded the title of New Era Art Leader.

In October 2021, he was invited to participate in the premiere of Jinan TV's large-scale calligraphy and painting series.

November 25, 2021, invited to participate in the National Art Academic Exchange Invitational Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting at the National Culture Palace.

1988-1991 Graduated from Jiangsu Xuzhou Science and Technology Further Training College, college degree, electromechanical specialty.

1992-2003 engaged in clerical work in the labor union of Pizhou Grain Bureau, Jiangsu Province.

2004-2022 Engaged in human resource management in Dianshanhu Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province.

2019-2022 Worked as an instructor of calligraphy class in the Senior University of Dianshanhu Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province. During this period served as director of Dianshanhu Town Literary Artists Association.

November 2021 invited to participate in the National Art Academic Exchange Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, which was successfully held in the National Culture Palace.

On March 2nd, 2022, his works were selected for the special Metro Spring Festival Train and "Cultural China" theme tour exhibition.

On March 28th, 2022, the Chinese Couplet Society Painting and Calligraphy Art Institute issued a letter of appointment, as a professor of China Wu Couplet Painting and Calligraphy Art Institute.

March 28, 2022 invited to become a member of the official website of calligraphy and painting art.

November 16, 2021 invited to become a member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association of the new literary and artistic groups of calligraphers and painters working committee.

March, 2022 participated in the special report of the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In April, 2022, she was recommended to participate in the special report of "Not Forgetting the Beginner's Mind and Walking with the Party" to welcome the 20th National Congress.

In May, 2022, he was recommended to participate in the special report of "Talents of China's Great Powers in the Cultural Lineage". Recommended to join the talent center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

In March 2022, he was awarded the title of "Excellent Painting and Calligraphy Tutor".

In April 2022, he was awarded the title of "People's Artist" in the Cultural Power - Person of the Year Ceremony. Included in China's first online dictionary of celebrities, and at the same time included in China's celebrity database, specially awarded the honorary title of "Benchmark of the Times" for China's contemporary positive-energy literary and art workers.



