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2024-07-22 10:46:07 来源:河南热线





Sun Xiaoyun, female, Han ethnicity, member of the Communist Party of China, born in Nanjing, Jiangsu in August 1955. The current Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Counselor of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, and Honorary Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum. First level artist. Representative of the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th National Congresses of the Communist Party of China. Enjoy special government allowances approved by the State Council. Outstanding achievements have been made in the development of contemporary Chinese calligraphy, including calligraphy creation, theoretical research, education popularization, and organizational curation. Has won the "Lanting Award · Art Award" in Chinese calligraphy. Appointed as a librarian at the Central Institute of Culture and History in February 2024.





安塞尔姆·基弗(Anselm Kiefer)1945年3月8日出生于德国多瑙埃兴根。德国新表现主义代表人物之一,被公认为德国当代最重要艺术家。70年代安塞尔姆·基弗曾师从德国当代最有影响力的前卫艺术家约瑟夫·波伊斯(Joseph Beuys)和Peter Dreher。他的作品常以圣经、北欧神话、瓦格纳的音乐和对纳粹的讽刺为主题,并大量使用稻草、灰土、虫胶、石头、模型、照片、版画、沙子以及铅铁等金属元素。著名犹太诗人保罗·策兰的诗歌对安塞尔姆·基弗作品主题的表现影响甚巨,他通常会以策兰的诗歌为作品命名或是作为展览主题。


Anselm Kiefer was born on March 8, 1945 in Danubei, Germany. One of the representative figures of German Neo Expressionism, widely recognized as the most important contemporary artist in Germany. In the 1970s, Anselm Kiefer studied under Joseph Beuys and Peter Dreher, the most influential avant-garde artists of contemporary Germany. His works often revolve around themes such as the Bible, Norse mythology, Wagner's music, and satire of the Nazis, with extensive use of metal elements such as straw, ash, cordyceps, stone, models, photographs, prints, sand, and lead iron. The poetry of the famous Jewish poet Paul Celan had a great influence on the expression of Anselm Kiefer's themes in his works, and he usually named his works after Celan's poetry or used them as exhibition themes.

No matter what form Anselm Kiefer's art takes, such as painting, performance, photography, composite materials, installations, or sculpture, they are permeated with reflection and reflection on history and culture. His works are full of tension and awe inspiring. The strong and melancholic beauty, as well as the profound historical significance of Germany, are often misunderstood by viewers. Who among contemporary painters has had significant impact on the world culture of the late 20th century, and Anselm Kiefer is the one who deserves this title.






国家高级书法师,高级书法培训师,高级书法鉴定师,中国书法家协会会员,中国硬笔书法协会会员,现为梁区诗书画研究会会长,中国楹联会书法艺术研究会副秘书长,中国楹学会书法艺术研究院副院长,“楹联招牌匾”创作合作人,中国诗书画家网副院长,全国书法艺术委员会副主席,中国老年书画研究会研修交流工作委员会副主任,全国艺术职称考级中心首席专家,中企报盟信息科学研究院副院长,博鳖亚洲艺术人才研究中心研究员,副理事长、副秘书长、智库专家;北京心海文化艺术研究院院士,常务副院长;孔子美术馆客座教授,孔子美术馆工作室”,中国国际服务贸易协会会员,国际交流工作委员会特聘书法家,国际委文化地方联络人,副秘书长;中国商业股份制企业经济联合会艺术投资专业委员会“优秀书法艺术品创作示范基地廖建仁工作室”中国管理科学院教育标准化研究所客座教授。中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员委员,中国书画家联谊会书画研究与创作工作委员会副主任,《中国书法家报》编委,华夏国艺书画艺术中心客座教授,中国楹联学会《中华国粹》杂志编委,中央新影中学生频道《时代人物》艺术顾问,特邀评委导师,北京胡润国际艺术品鉴定中心 特聘书法家,艺术监,澳门文化艺术品产权交易签约艺术家。

Liao Jianren was born in April 1963 in Liangping, Chongqing, under the pen name Ba Ren Moke. I have had a passion for calligraphy since I was young. During my high school years, I used calligraphy masters Weng Qiyun and Hu Wensui's Five Body Calligraphy Calligraphy as a temporary learning template. In 1984, I became proficient in calligraphy and painting and was recruited by the Liangping County Cultural Bureau as a full-time cultural cadre. Afterwards, he devoted himself to studying the calligraphy of Yan Liu, Ou Zhao, and the two kings Mi Fu, as well as the Wei stele and small seal script.

National Senior Calligrapher, Senior Calligraphy Trainer, Senior Calligraphy Appraiser, Member of China Calligraphers Association, Member of China Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, Currently President of Liangping District Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, Deputy Secretary General of China Couplet Association Calligraphy Art Research Association, Vice President of China Couplet Association Calligraphy Art Research Institute, Collaborator of "Couplet Calligraphy Plaque" Creation, Vice President of China Poetry and Calligraphy Painters Network, Vice Chairman of National Calligraphy Art Committee, Deputy Director of China Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association Training and Exchange Working Committee, Chief Expert of National Art Title Examination Center, Vice President of China Enterprise Newspaper Alliance Information Science Research Institute, Researcher of Bobie Asian Art Talent Research Center, Vice Chairman, Deputy Secretary General, and Think Tank Expert; Academician and Executive Vice President of Beijing Xinhai Cultural and Art Research Institute; Visiting Professor at the Confucius Art Museum, Confucius Art Museum Studio, member of the China International Service Trade Association, specially appointed calligrapher of the International Exchange Working Committee, cultural liaison of the International Committee, and Deputy Secretary General; Liao Jianren Studio, an excellent calligraphy and art creation demonstration base, is a visiting professor at the Institute of Education Standardization, Chinese Academy of Management Sciences. Member of the Calligrapher and Painter Working Committee of the New Literature and Art Group of the Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Association, Deputy Director of the Calligraphy and Painting Research and Creation Working Committee of the Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Association, Editorial Board Member of the Chinese Calligrapher Daily, Visiting Professor of the Huaxia National Art Calligraphy and Painting Art Center, Editorial Board Member of the Chinese Couplet Society's "Chinese Essence" Magazine, Art Advisor of the Central New Film Student Channel's "Times Figures", Specially Invited Judge Mentor, Specially Appointed Calligrapher and Art Director of the Beijing Hurun International Art Appraisal Center, and Signed Artist of the Macao Cultural and Art Property Exchange.





李玉花(liyuhua),艺名:木子君,字号: 画中人、牡丹仙子。祖籍山东沂源,毕业于北京中国书画函授大学国画系、中央党校国贸系,国家特级美术师。现任中国历史博物馆画廊客座教授、香港中国书法家协会终身副会长主席中国一带一路国礼艺术家、北京欧阳中石纪念馆特邀副馆长、中国通俗文艺研究会理事、中央电视《艺术传承》栏目组终身客座教授、人民日报党旗下的艺术领袖书画泰斗、北京亚洲国际青年电影节评审团主席中国东方文化研究会艺术研究员、山东曲阜儒乡印象特聘终身艺术顾问、CCTV世纪采风书画院终身副院长、央视老故事频道筑梦空间栏目艺术顾问、首届中国专业人才库全国国学文化考评委员会高级书画师、全国劳动英模与先进人物特邀艺术家、国家版本馆艺术家。中国四大国粹绽放联合国荣获“文化四大天王”、荣获95届奥斯卡金像奖、水墨丹青两岸文化交流大使。







Li Yuhua, stage name: Muzijun, trade name: Painted Man, Peony Fairy. Born in Yiyuan, Shandong, graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting at Beijing Correspondence University of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting and the Department of International Trade at the Central Party School. He is a national top-level artist. Currently, he is the visiting professor of the gallery of the Museum of Chinese History, the lifelong vice chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Calligrapher's Association, the national ceremony artist of the Belt and Road Initiative, the specially invited deputy curator of Beijing Ouyang Zhongshi Memorial Hall, the director of the China Popular Literature and Art Research Association, the lifelong visiting professor of the column group of CCTV's "Art Inheritance", the art leader of the People's Daily, the chairman of the jury of the Beijing Asia International Youth Film Festival, the art researcher of the China Oriental Culture Research Association, the specially hired lifelong art consultant of Shandong Qufu Ruxiang Impression, the final vice president of the CCTV Century Picking Style Calligraphy and Painting Academy, the art consultant of the Dream Space column of CCTV's old story channel, and the senior of the first China's professional talent pool, the National Culture Examination and Evaluation Committee. Calligrapher and painter, national labor model and advanced figure invited artist, national edition museum artist. The four national treasures of China are blooming. The United Nations has been awarded the "Four Heavenly Kings of Culture", the 95th Academy Awards, and the Ambassador for Cross Strait Cultural Exchange in Ink Painting.

2017 "CCTV HD Channel One Belt One Road Calligrapher Exhibition".

The 2018 Understanding China Silk Road Cultural Tour of the the Belt and Road, the national ritual artist of China Kyrgyzstan cultural exchange, and the 2018 China International Reportage Research Association Painting China cultural tourism artist.

In 2019, Chinese core artists were showcased on NASDAQ screens overseas in the United States; The 2019 International Conference (Bishkek) SCO Summit China Kyrgyzstan Cultural Exchange Summit.

In 2022, awarded the "Chinese Winter Olympics awarded the Russian Cultural Knight Medal"; Executive Vice President of the Greater Bay Area Painting and Calligraphy Academy of the New Culture Bauhinia Medal in Hong Kong, China in 2022.

In 2023, it was awarded the "China North Korea Friendship Medal" for cultural exchange in the 70th anniversary of the Korean War.








Hao Zunke, styled Junheng, pen name Shi Ying, owner of Zhisanguiyi Hall, born in 1961, is a master of Chinese art, a master of Chinese arts and crafts, a world-renowned cultural figure, a member of the Central State Organ Calligraphers Association for "21st Century Chinese Cultural and Artistic Talents", an art consultant for the CCTV Cultural Power Program, an artist recommended by the State Council as a guest gift, an honorary academician and visiting professor of the Royal Academy of Arts in the UK, a foreign lifelong honorary member of the Russian National Artists Association, a doctoral supervisor of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France, a recipient of the Order of the Commander of Art and Literature in France, an honorary academician of the Italian Academy of Art, a lifelong executive director of the World Federation of Literary and Artists, an art committee member of the Artists Department of the China Talent Research Association, and a Chinese craft artist Vice Chairman of the Association, China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Education Expert member of the Working Committee on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Great Health. Yachang members; Member of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Collectors Association and the China Cultural and Art Development Promotion Association; The Art Researcher of the Social Professional Committee of the China Oriental Culture Research Association, along with Jin Shangyi, Fan Dian, and Hao Zunke, also established an artist studio under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism authorized the establishment of the Hao Zunke Art Studio.

A scholarly family with a passion for art since childhood. During his university years, he studied engineering, metallurgy, and petrology. He studied under the renowned linguist Mr. Peng Duo and was proficient in philology. Widely accepted, spanning ancient and modern times, and reading extensively. Studying and experiencing the characteristics of Chinese culture from various aspects such as philosophy, aesthetics, religion, writing, literary theory, traditional Chinese medicine, and poetry, combined with one's own understanding of nature and life, integrating ancient and modern forms of its distinct "vigorous and extraordinary" artistic style and one's own artistic propositions, advocating the traditional Chinese painting theory of "culture as the foundation, philosophy as the essence, poetry as the spirit, and bone techniques as the bone". Adhering to the theory of art, there is a poem titled "Art of Art" that elaborates on his artistic views and aesthetic ideas. The traditional art style of freehand brushwork by literati has evolved from the integration of poetry and painting in the Ming and Qing dynasties, to modern times where poetry is used to describe painting, and then to the realm and aesthetic ideal of splashing ink on the freehand brushwork of literati painting, where "poetry in painting directly points to the soul, conveys the essence of freehand brushwork, and the great beauty remains unspoken."





