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来源:凤凰网宁波 2022-05-31 15:17:41

北京时间2022年5月25日,生命关怀教育专家、行动亚洲中国联合创办人张媛媛女士应美国柯布研究院(Cobb Institute, CI)之邀,线上发表英文主题演讲《在生命关怀教育实践中寻找本心——过程哲学与我》,分享了她如何受到过程诗学(Process Poetry)等积极因素的影响,并将过程哲学融入到生命关怀教育中的心路历程。

美国人文与科学院小约翰•柯布(John B. Cobb, Jr.)院士,美国生态文明联盟主任杰伊•迈克丹尼尔(Jay McDaniel)教授,美国格瑞斯兰德大学哲学教授罗伯特•梅斯勒(Dr. C. Robert “Bob”Mesle )博士,美国中美后现代发展研究院执行院长王治河博士,美国过程研究中心中国部主任樊美筠博士和莎蕊•柯灵博士,柯布研究院秘书长罗纳德•汉恩(Ronald Hines)博士,柯布研究院执行院长理查德•李维斯顿(Richard Livingston)博士,美国协和大学商学院布鲁斯•汉森(Bruce Hanson)教授,美国三洋公司前总裁保罗•达斯先生等30多位嘉宾聆听了张媛媛女士的演讲。





To be honest with conscience in the practice of CFL education

——Process Philosophy and Me

Isobel zhang

Before telling my story, I wanted to read aloud a poem written by my friend BaiYa. Because of him, I began to study process philosophy.This poem is in my new book, “Caring for Life:Education Based on Mental Model Improvement.”


At night, fallen leaves were upturned by hedgehogs crawling

There was a small clearing of dampened soil

A scent distinctly theirs lingered

But failed on my nose

Until yesterday afternoon, when a fourth-grade boy caught it

And hurled it to boiling water

Its baby like cry at once calling to my mind

That I have lived right close to it

For over thirty years already

And walked in the grove behind the campus so many times

Those little burrows

Have long been home to things

I have associations with

While yesterday afternoon, this town thick with a leaden air

There was a sudden shower

That helped me forget quite a few things

At night, the moonlight was passing murky

Fallen leaves rustled

I thought the hedgehogs had slowly crept out of the burrows

There were subtle breathings

And surely some icy thoughts

Though inaudible to me

To BaiYa, the hedgehog cry called to his mind,

And to me, the concern is a cat.

ChouMi was the first cat in my home and my husband took her home. and later we worried her about lonely and adopted a second cat named Duanduan. They got along very well.In 2002, because of those two cats, we founded Shenzhen Cats animal protection organization and often rescued stray cats, took them home for foster care, and then find someone to adopt. Unlike Duanduan's friendliness, ChouMi disliked these rescued cats very much. Sometimes, she would go crazy, jumped around the home, or even ran away from home.

On June 18, was the last time I took a picture of ChouMi. After that, she ran away from home the third time and never returned. I searched for several months and never met her. I never forgot that day.

She stood in front of the window outside our home, meowing , I called her, She was still meowing. I approached her,and she ran away with meowing. Just like that, she disappeared without a trace. That meowing still echoes in my mind.

We lost Choumi, but the Shenzhen cats is still there. the first decade is my responsibility to manage, to now is managed by my husband. In the past 20 years, as a local animal protection organization,Shenzhen cats carried out training plan to develop volunteers skills to rescue、TNR and adopt of stray cats, Lobby for ban cats and dogs meat. It is worth celebrating that in 2021 Shenzhen became the first city in China to ban the consumption of cats and dogs.

After three years, I found that animal protection volunteers coping with stress is a big problem, and in 2006, I invited animal protection expert Su Peifen to conduct psychological training camp for volunteers in China. That was a decisive moment. After that, We establish the ACTAsia China team. For the next five years, ACTAsia provided professional training courses for the leaders of animal protection organizations in China every year.

I remember that in 2007, After returning from a trip in Tibet, I quickly threw myself into a training camp. During when,The Experiences around Mount KailashKora wandered in my was a 56 km high altitude took me two days,the whole time I was bothered by altitude sickness. In a sense, it is very similar to doing animal protection.

Several years later, I understood the Kora experience mean what and why this impact last till today,when I read the words of “The Adventure of Ideas” :Cut away the future, and the present collapses, emptied of its proper content. Immediate existence requires in the insertion of the future in the crannies of the present.

In 2021,ACTAsia Caring for Life children’s education programme has been recognized as being ‘good practice’ by the UN Department of Economic & Social Affairs and listed in its ‘Good Practices’ Database.

Caring for Life children’s education is ACTAsia’s unique six-year curriculum for all primary school years. It encompasses social welfare and citizenship, animal welfare, and environmental issues, and recognizes the interdependence of all living things. Every year We Train teachers to teach this course in their schools.

The six Publications of the Teacher's Guidebook edited by Su Peifen and me are as follows:

Grade 1《Be Caring: Empathy and Responsibility》

Grade 2《Be Kind: Empathy and Responsibility》

Grade 3《Be Respectful: Empathy and Responsibility》

Grade 4《Knowing Ethics: Empathy and Critical Thinking》

Grade 5《Appreciating Others : Empathy and Critical Thinking》

Grade 6《Living Together: Empathy and Critical Thinking》

ACTAsia Caring for Life children’s education began in 2012, and everything began with this little girl named ZhuangNaihui, a student of Zhuhai Tang Guoan Memorial School, who is the daughter of my ACTAsia colleague.

In 2011, ZhuangNaihui’s mother was busy in ACTAsiaFurFree project. she mailed the badges and posters to Furfree activities cooperators. The little girl learned to tell her classmates and teachers about cruelty free fashion. Because of it, this school invited me to take life education speeches about animals for students. Subsequently, ACTAsia launched the research and development of Caring for Life children's education.

In 2011,BaiYa and I met on the Internet,and then I invited him to ACTAsiaFurFree event, which was the first time I met him. Since then he has been helping us with media communications. The first International Fur Free Fashion Festival was held in Beijing in January 2014. On that occasion, He won the FurFree Special Contribution the same year,he founded the CuiJian Poetry Prize.

It was not until 2016, when the third poetry prize began, that I heard about process poetry from BaiYa. He recommended the process philosophy to me , which is good for the development of CFL education.

Remember the poem by BaiYa, the hedgehog's cry seems particularly meaningful.the impulse to harmony of nature and mankind is the basis of the dialogue between the poet-thing-reader. In daily life, can people hear the cries like poets? In fact, people often“can't smell” or “hear” things nearby……The conscience is the root of our ideas as "human".

What is the conscience?The Chinese philosopher Mencius call it Liangzhi (knowledge of goodness). Humans are born with innate conscience and the ability to know and act upon it. what man knew by instinct was liangzhi . the one of is ren (仁), for example. love to parents ,love to children, or love to the animals, and so on .

More than 500 years ago, The Chinese Ming Dynasty philosopher Wang Yangming raised the idea of liangzhi and created the School of Mind, He wanted to help people to be honest with their conscience with the harmony of nature and mankind.

On June 20, 2015,In the Baishiqiao Market in Yulin, people stood crowded together in front of cat and dog cages, someone pointed out objects to be slaughtered, the others watched the buying and selling.

A little girl looked intently at the kittens in the cage and said to her brother behind her, “The kittens are so cute”, and the brother looked thoughtfully.

I wonder in the children’s mind what is the connection between the caged cats and their conscience.

Standing on the street of Yulin, when I heard a primary school student shouting at me, “Why can pigs, cattle and sheep be eaten, but cats and dogs can’t?” “Animal protection is for wild animals,Not for Cats and Dogs.”

I understood be honest with the conscience is no easy. Although people agree with the “harmony of nature and mankind ”, if they do not recognize the fact that human and animals live together and all prosper on the earth, it's hard for them to treat other animals well.

In《Adventures of Ideas》Whitehead wrote:But mentality as it emerges into coordinated activity has a tremendous effect in selecting, emphasizing, and disintegrating.

It is the aim of Caring for Life education to help people to improve their mental model and find ways to be honest with their conscience. These are the key steps.

First ,to know about Sentient Beings.

Like human, Animals are aware of how they feel,where they are,who they are with,how they are treated,This is an important content of ACTAsia Caring for Life children’s education.

In《Adventures of Ideas》,Whitehead wrote:Yet even animals share in some ‘interpretation’. There is every evidence that animals enjoy a sensationalist experience. Dogs smell, eagles see, and noises attract the attention of most the higher animals. Also their consequent modes of behaviour suggest their immediate assumption of a substantial world around them.

Thinking further, Do animals also have analytical intelligence, emotional intelligence, moral intelligence, and systematic intelligence?How do we develop our consciousness of empathy, responsibility, critical thinking, and symbiosis?

In a new book written by Ma Hanlin and me, “Caring For Life: Education Based on Mental Model Improvement”, which will be published this year, we try to answer these questions above by encouraging the readers to compare the human and animals together.

Secondly,to know about The Poetry of The Earth.

On March 17, 2018, with the support of ACTAsia, Mr. Ma Hanlin of Suzhou University of Science and Technology hosted Caring for life education camp for students, which is part of the social research course of the Politics Department of this university.

BaiYa was invited to make a speech, he said that“process poetry and Caring for life education, are all about the study of the poetry of the earth”, both aim at advocating a loving and poetic way of life, expanding our understanding of lives in the universe, promoting the harmony of the connection between human and the nature, and enhancing the happiness of cultural lives.

The concept of“the poetry of the earth”inspirited me to study process philosophy deeply and apply my understanding to developing the Caring for Life higher vocational education.

It is a great pleasure to introduce BaiYa and Dr. Wang Zhihe to know each other, which contributed to the success of the first international forum on process poetry, and it was also an excellent learning opportunity. On Nov3 2021,ACTAsia co-hosted the Internatonal Symposium on Youth‘s Psychological Well Being from the Perspective of Process Philosophy with The Institute for Postmodern Development of China and Mahong Foundation for the Economic Improvement Research.

Through the study of process philosophy, I knew more about what is the poetry of the earth. Beauty is the embodiment of interior harmony, the best status of symbiosis and co-prosperity of individuals and their environment. Nothing is valueless in the world while each “actual occasions” has its own unique value which can not be replaced by others. We can get embodied experiences of beauty through One Health which refers to the connection among the health of the human, the animals, and the environment.

So we're working on another book,“Caring For Life: The connection among the health of people, animals, and the environment”, which is an innovative project of the ONE HEALTH Research Center at the School of Public Health of Sun Yat-senUniversity.The editors are experts from philosophy, agriculture, medicine, veterinary medicine, environmental science, ecology and so on.

we want help young college students who are about to enter the field of rural revitalization to understand the content and the importance of One Health under the name of Caring for life education.

Everything is in the process. Every drop of experience is creating the future.

Finally, I would like to conclude this talk with a process poetry HuoJia An Monastery, which written by BaiYa on Oct 5th, 2011, at Guanghan,translated and recited by Gavin Shen. The poem Hedgehog is also translated by him.

HuoJia An

As a late autumn bird announced itself

Miles were travelled, and a forlorn temple roamed,

like passing home by the door

Without joy or sorrow

It was a village monastery of a closed gate,

with foliage out over the walls

Of the greetings passers-by meant across the walls,

only half found a voice

The other half was left to waste

Under the sky, two crickets crossed path, Silent

Folks sitting in the twilight of age

Talked Between prolonged musings,

like a sterilization surgery

These years the climate kills

And this mortal trip hits walls

This life that seems to have no reason

On the return path, peach blossoms masqueraded by the side

The monastery's gate behind, with a sudden creak, unmasked the missed out universe

When twilight had fallen

Not far off, the posture of a buffalo

Bordered on happy living

It was grazing, while making way for a cormorant

As this poem describes, the conscience is not complicated, it is what we miss in person.

But I would like to say: What a wonderful opportunity to meet the Whitehead process philosophy through BaiYa process poetry and find the ways to be honest with my conscience in the practice of CFL education .

Thank you Dr. Wang Zhihe and Dr. Fan Meijun , thank you Dr. Ron Hines,

Thank you Dr. John Cobb.

Thank you all for listening.






























臭咪不见了,但深圳猫网持续着,第一个十年是我负责管理,第二个十年至今是我先生负责管理。 20年来,在深圳培养一批又一批动物保护志愿者,参与流浪猫救助与领养,开展社区TNR,宣传拒吃猫狗,善待动物,进行动物福利教育。值得庆贺的是,2021年深圳成为中国首个禁止食用猫狗的城市。



































为此,我们正在着手编写另一本书《生命关怀:为了同一健康》,以帮助进入乡村振兴领域的青年大学生从这一角度去理解同一健康的本质和重要性。这也是中山大学公共卫生学院ONE HEALTH研究中心的创新项目。编委成员为来自哲学、农学、医学、动物医学、环境学、生态学等领域的专家,这本书计划于明年出版。
























感谢王治河博士和樊美筠博士,感谢Ronald Hines博士,感谢柯布院士。




Isobel Zhang, the pioneer of Caring for Life Education in China.theACTAsia China Co-Founder, vice Director of the OneHealth Research Center of the School of Public Health of Sun Yat-sen University, Adjunct Professor of the School of Marxism of Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Editor-in-Chief of MaHong Think Tank Eyeshot.The co-founder of SZCats APA.



