新闻 财经 房产 旅游 教育 党建

健康 文化 县域 专题 新阶层 国防军事


来源:河南热线 2024-07-25 22:42:21





Gao Yun graduated from the Chinese Painting major at Nanjing Academy of Arts in 1982. First level artist, member of the 8th and 9th Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, member of the 10th Standing Committee, and member of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Democratic Progressive Party Central Committee Member and Central Supervisory Commission; Current Vice President of the National Chinese Painting Society, President of the Jiangsu Chinese Painting Society, Director of the China Artists Association and Deputy Director of the Chinese Painting Art Committee, Executive Committee Member of the National Academy of Painting and Vice President of the Chinese Painting Academy, Research Fellow of Chinese Painting at the China Academy of Art, Vice President of the Democratic Progressive Party Central Enlightened Painting Academy, Honorary Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum, and Part time Professor at Nanjing University. In April 2023, appointed as a curator at the Jiangsu Provincial Museum of Culture and History.






Christophe Girard was born in Algiers in 1960. Started painting art training in Montpellier at the age of 12. From 1977 to 1982, I pursued further studies in sculpture, sculpture, and painting at the Toulouse Academy of Fine Arts. Starting from 1985, he ultimately chose oil painting, and all of his works were sold in galleries in Toulouse and Montpellier until 2008. From that year on, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the study of hypercolor and wrote his book 'New Color Art'. His research re established the subtle relationship between colors, transforming any ordinary subject matter into a visual symphony of colors as notes and lines as rhythms.






Li Runde, born in 1951, with the courtesy name Zhonghe and the courtesy name Hongye Jushi, is a member of the Central State Organ Calligraphers Association and the China Couplet Association. Member of the Central Radio International Cultural Exchange Committee. Member of the Academic Committee of the Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association. In 2019, the regular script work Wan Guo Shi Cun (Paris) was collected by the National Museum of China. In 2022, he was selected as one of the first batch of innovative talents in intangible cultural heritage in China. Selected as the most beautiful spokesperson for the Chinese historical and cultural heritage of the Forbidden City. Joined the World Art Yearbook in December 2022. In March 2023, we were awarded the honorary title of National Senior Art Inheritor for Chinese cultural and artistic talents. In April 2023, an academic seminar on the inheritance of Chinese modern calligraphers and painters was organized by the Chinese Talent Bimonthly Magazine, and was awarded the title of "Jin Shu Jin Zi {Li Shi} Calligraphy Style" (New Style and Ancient Rhyme School). In July 2023, calligraphy was exhibited at the Louvre in France and was awarded the Best Work Excellence Award by the World Federation of UNESCO Associations and the French Chinese Cultural Exchange Promotion Association. In September 2023, the work "A Thousand Armies Strive to Defend the Country" was permanently collected by the Shandong Centennial Textbook Museum as a collective effort to fight against foreign invasion. In October 2023, he was awarded the title of Outstanding Artistic Envoy for International Cultural Exchange by the Organizing Committee of the Silk Road Integration and Sharing of Future the Belt and Road Achievements Exhibition. In December 2023, he was awarded the post of Chairman of the Appointed Jury of the Asia International Youth Film Festival. Honorary title of National Senior Art Inheritor Qualification for Chinese Cultural and Artistic Talents.



李润德作品《四海升年年盼 八方宁靖月月新》


郭银峰,1949 年生于甘肃庆阳。1968 年参军,先后在西藏军区、成都军区、解放军西安第二炮兵工程学院、解放军西安政治学院工作,正团职,上校军衔。1994年转业后供职于陕西省人大办公厅,任厅级巡视员。 现为亚洲书画家协会主席,胡润国际书画艺术鉴定中心副主席,全国书画艺术委员会副主席,中央美院客座教授,中国国家高级美术师,国家特级书法师,西北书画研究院院长,英国牛津艺术学院客座教授博士生导师,陕西省人民政府参事室文史馆研究员,亚洲博鳌艺术中心研究员。








Guo Yinfeng was born in Qingyang, Gansu in 1949. He joined the army in 1968 and successively worked in the Xizang Military Region, the Chengdu Military Region, the Second Artillery Engineering College of the People's Liberation Army, and the Xi'an Political College of the People's Liberation Army. After changing jobs in 1994, he worked at the Office of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress as a department level inspector. I am currently the Vice Chairman of the Asian Calligraphers and Painters Association, Vice Chairman of the Hurun International Calligraphy and Painting Art Appraisal Center, Vice Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, Visiting Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, National Senior Artist of China, National Special Calligrapher, Dean of the Northwest Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute, Visiting Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of the Oxford Academy of Arts in the UK, Researcher at the Cultural and Historical Museum of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Government Counselor's Office, and Researcher at the Boao Art Center in Asia.

In 1988, his oil painting "After School" won first prize at the National Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition.

In 2002, the traditional Chinese painting "Ode to the Yellow River" won the highest award in the Korean International Calligraphy and Painting Competition, the "International Merit Award".

In 2009, the traditional Chinese painting "Plum Blossom with Cold Fragrance" won the first prize at the National Traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition.

In 2010, the Chinese painting "My Classmate" won the first prize at the 14th National Earth Song Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition.

In 2011, Guo Yinfeng held a personal calligraphy and painting exhibition and a high-level art seminar at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

In 2012, Guo Yinfeng held a calligraphy and painting exhibition at the Louvre in France, which was highly praised by international friends.

In 2023, he was awarded the "Top 10 Global Outstanding Figures of 2023" by UNESCO and the "Outstanding Artist of 2023 in the Chinese Art Industry". The organizing committee of the Venice Biennale awarded "Venice Biennale - Specially Recommended Artist". The Talent Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism awarded the honorary title of "Excellent Calligraphy and Painting Mentor". The China State Guest Rites Cultural Protection Committee and the China State Guest Rites Art Master Evaluation Committee have awarded the title of "Special Artist of China's State Rites". The organizing committee of the China Art Masters Exchange Center awarded "Chinese Contemporary World Class Artist". Guowu Diplomatic Gift Network has awarded many honorary titles such as "the Belt and Road Cultural Image Ambassador".





唐忠球,1965年生,五个一工程奖获得者,21世纪中国文化艺术人才,中国书法大家、国家一级书法师。 中国国家博物馆特约研究员,中国通俗文艺研究会理事,翰林院文化艺术中心及北京翰林书画院特聘书画教授、中国翰林书画院院士,世界非遗研究院副院长特邀院士,中国文联书画艺术交流中心副主席特聘顾问,中国文促会会员,中国书法家协会会员,中央电视《艺术名家》特聘艺术顾问,中艺联合信息科学研究院特聘书画专家,中国东方文化研究会高级书法研究员,中国管理科学研究院高级研究员,中国未来研究会高级研究员,海南国联文艺研修院博士生院导师,中国服务贸易协会国际委理事,中国书画家杂志社名誉社长,中国书画研究中心副主任,中国书画产业研究基地专家组成员,北京胡润国际艺术品鉴定中心首席专家,中国书画交易润格评估中心特邀艺术评估顾问,国礼艺术家网特邀顾问,雅昌艺术家会员,中国(香港)美术家协会和书法家协会双认证艺术家,澳门文交所签约艺术家,全国人民艺术家信用管理中心书艺委主席,国际文学艺术联合会书法家协会主席。 被授予了新时代人民艺术家、德艺双馨艺术家、国宝级艺术大师、著名书法家、杰出艺术家、中国国宾礼艺术家、金砖艺术家、国际和艺术家、APEC推荐艺术家、中华文化全球推广大使、美中文化特使、联合国气候大会形象大使、杭州亚运会艺术形象大使、网络名人辞典当代正能量文艺工作者《时代标杆》、《文化强国》大国大家杰出艺术家、全国书画名家丝路艺术大展杰出贡献奖、《毕加索国际绘画大赛》(决赛)优秀导师、入围胡润2023年度中国艺术家百强榜、首届最影响力社会艺术人物等荣誉称号.

Tang Zhongqiu, born in 1965, recipient of the Five One Project Awards, a 21st century Chinese cultural and artistic talent, a master of Chinese calligraphy, and a national first-class calligrapher

Special Researcher at the National Museum of China, Director of the China Popular Literature and Art Research Association, Professor of Calligraphy and Painting at the Hanlin Academy Cultural and Art Center and Beijing Hanlin Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Academician of the Hanlin Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Vice President of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute, Special Advisor to the Vice Chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Center, Member of the China Association for the Promotion of Culture, Member of the China Calligraphers Association, Special Art Advisor to the CCTV Art Masters, Special Calligraphy and Painting Expert at the China Art Union Information Science Research Institute, Senior Calligraphy Researcher at the China Oriental Culture Research Association, Senior Researcher at the China Academy of Management Sciences, Senior Researcher at the China Future Research Association, Doctoral Supervisor at the Hainan Federation of Literary and Art Research Institute, China Service Trade Director of the International Committee of the Association, Honorary President of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Magazine, Deputy Director of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Research Center, Member of the Expert Group of China Calligraphy and Painting Industry Research Base, Chief Expert of Beijing Hurun International Art Appraisal Center, Special Invited Art Evaluation Consultant of China Calligraphy and Painting Trading Runge Evaluation Center, Special Invited Consultant of Guoli Artists Network, Member of Yachang Artists, Double Certified Artist of China (Hong Kong) Artists Association and Calligraphers Association, Contracted Artist of Macau Cultural Exchange, Chairman of Calligraphy Committee of National People's Artists Credit Management Center, and Chairman of Calligraphers Association of International Literary and Art Federation.

Has been awarded honors such as New Era People's Artist, Artist of Virtue and Art, National Treasure level Art Master, Famous Calligrapher, Outstanding Artist, Chinese State Guest Artist, BRICS Artist, International Peace Artist, APEC Recommended Artist, Chinese Culture Global Promotion Ambassador, US China Cultural Ambassador, United Nations Climate Conference Image Ambassador, Hangzhou Asian Games Art Image Ambassador, Network Celebrity Dictionary Contemporary Positive Energy Artist "The Benchmark of the Times", "Cultural Power" Great Country Outstanding Artist, National Calligrapher and Painter Silk Road Art Exhibition Outstanding Contribution Award, Picasso International Painting Competition (Finals) Outstanding Mentor, shortlisted for the Hurun 2023 Top 100 Chinese Artists List, and the First Most Influential Social Art Figure. Title






