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健康 文化 县域 专题 新阶层 国防军事


来源:河南热线 2024-07-16 14:18:11


范迪安,1955年9月出生于福建,汉族,中共党员 ,中国当代画家、美术评论家、美术教育家,中国美术家协会主席,北京市文联兼职副主席,其主要专著有《世界艺术史》 、《世界高等美术教育丛书》 、《中国当代美术:1979—2010》 、《当代文化情境中的水墨本色》 、《20世纪中国文艺图志·美术卷》 、《近现代中国画》 、 《中央美术学院美术馆馆藏精品大系》等,油画作品有《引得春风进山来》 、《时代新貌》 、《奔流不息》 、《彝家新居》 、《建党百年·回望遵义》等。

Fan Dian, born in September 1955 in Fujian, is of Han ethnicity and a member of the Communist Party of China. He is a contemporary Chinese painter, art critic, and art educator. He is also the chairman of the Chinese Artists Association and the part-time vice chairman of the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles. His main works include "World Art History", "World Higher Art Education Series", "Contemporary Chinese Art: 1979-2010", "Ink and wash Nature in Contemporary Cultural Situations", "20th Century Chinese Literature and Art Illustrated Art Volume", "Modern and Contemporary Chinese Painting", and "Fine Arts Collection Series of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum". His oil paintings include "Bringing Spring Breeze into the Mountains", "New Look of the Era", "Flowing and Flowing", and "Yi Yi Feng Entering the Mountains". "New Home", "Looking Back at Zunyi in the Centenary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China", etc.



阿尔诺·多德里夫(Arnaud d’Hauterives)1955年进入巴黎高等美术学院。1957年,他荣获罗马大奖。接下来在罗马美第奇学院成为驻地艺术家长达四年。1964-1966年,他在马德里的维拉斯贵支学院成为驻地艺术家。

Arnaud d'Hauterives entered the Paris Academy of Fine Arts in 1955. In 1957, he won the Rome Grand Prize. Next, he became a resident artist at the Medici Academy in Rome for four years. From 1964 to 1966, he became a resident artist at the Villarreal Academy in Madrid.



牟晓平(1956.1—)汉族  山东省潍坊市人。陆军大校,著名动物画家、艺术活动家。号:垛翁、老垛、老潍县人,堂号:垛拙堂。牟晓平艺术馆馆长。国家一级美术师、国家一级书法师。国家版权局美术作品登记画家、央视书画频道签约艺术家、美术报编委会艺术顾问、加拿大维多利亚皇家艺术学院东方艺术研究中心客座教授。中宣部第十六届精神文明建设“五个一工程”优秀美术作品奖章获得者。




2021年《中国美术》;《2022年度中华英才人物风采·牟晓平》《中华英才》半月刊出版;《中国美术通史 》(中国美术出版社);《新时代十年优秀艺术家》(荣宝斋期刊);《时代新语—当代中国画作品雅集》(荣宝斋出版社出版);2023年庆祝西泠印社建社120周年《盛世中华——新时代书画人才文艺创作与文化传播工程成果选编》、《翰墨华章·百年西泠——历代艺坛巨匠精品集》、《东方意境,匠心天宸——当代艺术名家牟晓平精品集》(珍藏版)(西泠印社出版社出版);中宣部《努力铸就新时代文艺高峰——第十六届精神文明建设“五个一工程”优秀美术作品集》等。

Mou Xiaoping (1956-) was a Han Chinese from Weifang City, Shandong Province. Army Colonel, renowned animal painter and art activist. Number: Duo Weng, Lao Duo, from Lao Wei County, Hall Number: Duo Zhuo Tang. Director of Mou Xiaoping Art Museum. National first-class artist and national first-class calligrapher. Registered painter of art works by the National Copyright Administration, contracted artist of CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Channel, art consultant of the Art Newspaper Editorial Board, and visiting professor at the Oriental Art Research Center of the Royal College of Arts Victoria, Canada. Winner of the Excellent Art Works Medal of the 16th "Five One Project" of the Central Propaganda Department for Spiritual Civilization Construction.

His publications:

"Mou Xiaoping's Collection of Poems and Paintings on Cats", "Mou Xiaoping's Collection of Paintings on Cats", "Mou Xiaoping's Collection of Paintings to Meet Friends", and "Mou Xiaoping's Album as a New Chinese National Art Master for the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China".

Works selected:

2021 Chinese Art; "2022 Chinese Talents and Figures: Mou Xiaoping" and "Chinese Talents" are published in semi monthly magazines; General History of Chinese Art (China Art Publishing House); "Outstanding Artists of the New Era for Ten Years" (Rongbaozhai Journal); "New Words of the Times - Collection of Contemporary Chinese Painting Works" (published by Rongbaozhai Publishing House); Celebrating the 120th anniversary of the establishment of Xiling Seal Engraving Society in 2023: Selected Achievements of the New Era Calligraphy and Painting Talent's Literary and Artistic Creation and Cultural Communication Project, Hanmo Huazhang · Centennial Xiling - Collection of Masterpieces by Masters in the Art World, and Oriental Artistic Conception, Craftsmanship in Tianchen - Collection of Masterpieces by Contemporary Art Master Mou Xiaoping (Collection Edition) (published by Xiling Seal Engraving Society Press); The Central Propaganda Department's "Striving to Create a New Era of Literary and Art Peaks - Collection of Excellent Art Works of the 16th" Five One Project "for Spiritual Civilization Construction" and so on.



洪瑞生,1940年生于鼓浪屿。原厦门大学美术系教授、 研究生导师、首任系主任。中国美协会员。从艺65年,他不逐潮流,是一个真性情的画家,踏实地走出一条适合于自己的艺术道路——“闽南红”和“鼓浪诗”。



1987年 油画《晨妆》入展“首届中国油画展”。


1994年 油画入展“第八届全国美术作品展览”,并多次入展全国专题美展。


2004年9月--2005年12月  创作大型历史画《雄风—郑成功收复台湾》(210×450cm),陈列于厦门郑成功纪念馆。

2011年11月--2012年12月创作大型历史画《最后的战将》(236 ×388 cm),陈列于印尼西苏门答腊多巴湖XILALAHICENTRE 峇达博物馆。


1995年 参展台北艺术博览会。  

1998年11月 在巴黎国际艺术城举办《洪瑞生油画作品展》  

2015年11月21日至11月29日 在中国美术馆举办《闽南红·洪瑞生油画展》  

2016年2月4日至2月22日 在福建省美术馆举办《闽南红·洪瑞生油画展》                                                    


2016年3月  油画《暖风》《新娘房》《激情》等六件由福建省美术馆收藏。

2018年12月 油画《崇武渔妇》由中国美术馆收藏。


2021年9月 入驻《中华名人库》。

2022年3月特邀为雅昌艺术国际交易网会员艺术家 。被国际艺术品收藏委员会授予“中国当代艺术名家代表人物”。5月,获《商品与质量》周刊社、北京心海文化艺术研究院联合颁发的“全国收藏者可信赖的艺术品牌”荣誉奖牌。11月 , 获中国国家艺术促进会、国际孔子文化研究院、中国美术家协会、中国书法家协会、中国文化艺术人才管理中心颁发的“人民书画家”。


Hong Ruisheng was born on Gulangyu Island in 1940. Former professor, graduate supervisor, and first department head of the Department of Fine Arts at Xiamen University. Member of the China Artists Association. After 65 years of art, he did not follow the trend and was a true painter, steadfastly paving a suitable artistic path for himself - "Minnan Red" and "Drum Wave Poetry".

Main Exhibitors:

In 1962, oil painting was exhibited at the National Art Exhibition to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the speech at the Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium.

In 1987, the oil painting "Morning Makeup" was exhibited at the "First Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition".

In 1989, oil painting was exhibited at the 7th National Art Exhibition.

In 1994, oil painting was exhibited at the 8th National Art Exhibition and has been exhibited in several national themed art exhibitions.

Large scale historical painting exhibition collection:

From September 2004 to December 2005, a large-scale historical painting titled "Xiong Feng - Zheng Chenggong Recovers Taiwan" (210 x 450cm) was created and displayed at the Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall in Xiamen.

From November 2011 to December 2012, a large-scale historical painting titled "The Last General" (236 x 388 cm) was created and displayed at the XILALAHI CENTRE Bata Museum in Lake Toba, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Individual exhibitions:

Participated in the Taipei Art Expo in 1995.

In November 1998, the Hong Ruisheng Oil Painting Exhibition was held at the Paris International Art City

The Minnan Red · Hong Ruisheng Oil Painting Exhibition was held at the National Art Museum of China from November 21 to November 29, 2015

The "Minnan Red · Hong Ruisheng Oil Painting Exhibition" was held at the Fujian Provincial Art Museum from February 4th to February 22nd, 2016

Institutional Collections:

In March 2016, six oil paintings including "Warm Breeze", "Bride's Room", and "Passion" were collected by the Fujian Provincial Art Museum.

The oil painting "Chongwu Fisherwoman" in December 2018 was collected by the China National Art Museum.

Professional evaluation and honors:

Joined the Chinese Celebrity Library in September 2021.

Invited as a member artist of the Yachang Art International Trading Network in March 2022. Awarded as a representative figure of Chinese contemporary art masters by the International Committee for the Collection of Art. In May, it was awarded the honorary medal of "National Trusted Art Brand for Collectors" jointly by the Commodity and Quality Weekly and Beijing Xinhai Cultural and Art Research Institute. In November, he was awarded the title of "People's Calligrapher and Painter" by the China National Art Promotion Association, the International Confucius Culture Research Institute, the China Artists Association, the China Calligraphers Association, and the China Cultural and Art Talent Management Center.

In January 2023, he was awarded the title of "Reporting to the People and Presenting Virtue and Art to the Two Sessions" by the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In June, he was included in the "General History of Chinese Art" published by China Fine Arts Publishing House.



武锋,笔耕斋主,别号一峰,是一位书画兼修的艺术家。1982年毕业于河北师范学院,中共党员,后在河北科技报社从事编辑、记者工作,主任编辑。现为国家一级美术师、河北省美术家协会、摄影家协会会员、河北书画诗词艺术研究院(省政府办)院士。中国文化艺术发展促进会会员、中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会会员、常务理事、副秘书长。中国楹联学会书画艺术院书法、美术系教授, 并被该院命名为“楹联招牌匾创作合作人”。 中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会委员、特聘书画家,并被授予“时代精英人物”。

2021年被中国研创非物质文化遗产保护发展中心授予“中国非物质文化遗产推选项目2021年度非遗领军人物”。 《李南方•满江红•丝路长歌》被巴西驻华大使馆收藏。

2022年,《苏轼•念奴娇•赤壁怀古》入选 “文化强国—让中国艺术走向世界”当代书画艺术大使系列推荐活动,并被授予 “当代书画艺术大使”。《毛泽东•沁园春•雪》被阿尔巴尼亚驻华大使馆收藏。被博鳌亚洲艺术人才研究中心聘为研究员, 并成为中国服务贸易协会国际交流工作委员会会员。

2023年被北京胡润国际艺术品鉴定中心特聘书画家、首席专家,推荐为“2023收藏指数五星艺术家”。被文艺界评选入围“感动中国 • 2023年度艺术人物”。


Wu Feng, also known as Yifeng, is an artist who specializes in both calligraphy and painting. Graduated from Hebei Normal University in 1982, a member of the Communist Party of China, and later worked as an editor and journalist at Hebei Science and Technology Newspaper, serving as the chief editor. I am currently a national first-class artist, a member of the Hebei Artists Association and Photographers Association, and an academician of the Hebei Academy of Calligraphy, Painting, Poetry, and Art (Provincial Government Office). Member of the China Association for the Promotion of Cultural and Artistic Development, Member of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the China Couplet Society, Executive Director, and Deputy Secretary General. Professor at the Calligraphy and Fine Arts Department of the Chinese Couplet Society Calligraphy and Painting Art Academy, and named "Collaborator for Couplet Calligraphy and Plaque Creation" by the academy. Member of the Calligrapher and Painter Working Committee of the New Literary and Artistic Group of the Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Association, specially appointed calligrapher and painter, and awarded the title of "Elite Figure of the Times".

In 2021, he was awarded the title of "2021 Leading Figure in China's Intangible Cultural Heritage Selection Project" by the China Research and Innovation Center for the Protection and Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage. "Li Nanfang • Man Jianghong • Silk Road Long Song" was collected by the Brazilian Embassy in China.

In 2022, "Su Shi Niannujiao Chibi Nostalgia" was selected for the "Cultural Power - Bringing Chinese Art to the World" Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Art Ambassador series of recommendation activities, and was awarded the "Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Art Ambassador". Mao Zedong's Qinyuan Spring Snow has been collected by the Albanian Embassy in China. Appointed as a researcher by the Boao Asian Art Talent Research Center and became a member of the International Exchange Working Committee of the China Association for Trade in Services.

In 2023, he was recommended as a five-star artist in the 2023 Collection Index by the Beijing Hurun International Art Appraisal Center as a specially appointed calligrapher and chief expert. Selected and shortlisted by the literary and artistic community for "Touching China • 2023 Artistic Figures".

In 2024, appointed as the Vice Chairman of the Boao Asian Art Talent Research Association; Appointed as a "specially invited art judge" by CCTV Online Program Group.


武锋作品《铭记历史 珍爱和平》


